Dien Rice
August 14, 2021, 12:06 AM
Hi Gordon,
Your post reminded me of something...
Somewhere deep in the pages of one of the direct response marketing books I have, I remember reading...
This person said the OFFER is the most important part (if I remember right)...
If you want to dramatically increase your response - improve your OFFER...
All the other copywriting and persuasion elements do increase conversion, and can even mean the difference between success or failure...
But - at least according to this author - the actual offer is the most important element...
(I think he's probably right...)
Best wishes,
P.S. The offer means, what do they actually get, and for how much? The guarantee and any future support can also be part of the offer...
Hi Gordon,
The book I was thinking about was "Direct Marketing Success: What Works and Why" by Freeman F. Gosden, Jr...
In that book, he talks about the "40-40-20 Rule"...
To summarize, this "rule" says the success or failure of your direct marketing is due to...
40% - The Audience (i.e. the list)
40% - Who you are, your product or service, the offer
20% - Creative, format, postal
Among Richard Benson's 31 Secrets of Successful Direct Mail are...
"23. Lists are the most important ingredient to the success of a promotional
"24. The offer is the second most important ingredient of direct mail."
However, Denny Hatch apparently estimates 40-40-20 is wrong, and that it's more...
"70% offer, 10% list, 20% creative for internet direct marketing..."
Then there's Axel Andersson's saying,
“If you want to dramatically increase your response, dramatically improve your offer.” – Axel Andersson
(Axel Andersson is a direct response marketer who's been cited often by Denny Hatch, and who provided 6 out of the 7 "Emotional Hot Buttons" Denny Hatch has written about...)
So - I think you're right!
Copy is overrated...
Yet is still important!
Best wishes,
Your post reminded me of something...
Somewhere deep in the pages of one of the direct response marketing books I have, I remember reading...
This person said the OFFER is the most important part (if I remember right)...
If you want to dramatically increase your response - improve your OFFER...
All the other copywriting and persuasion elements do increase conversion, and can even mean the difference between success or failure...
But - at least according to this author - the actual offer is the most important element...
(I think he's probably right...)
Best wishes,
P.S. The offer means, what do they actually get, and for how much? The guarantee and any future support can also be part of the offer...
Hi Gordon,
The book I was thinking about was "Direct Marketing Success: What Works and Why" by Freeman F. Gosden, Jr...
In that book, he talks about the "40-40-20 Rule"...
To summarize, this "rule" says the success or failure of your direct marketing is due to...
40% - The Audience (i.e. the list)
40% - Who you are, your product or service, the offer
20% - Creative, format, postal
Among Richard Benson's 31 Secrets of Successful Direct Mail are...
"23. Lists are the most important ingredient to the success of a promotional
"24. The offer is the second most important ingredient of direct mail."
However, Denny Hatch apparently estimates 40-40-20 is wrong, and that it's more...
"70% offer, 10% list, 20% creative for internet direct marketing..."
Then there's Axel Andersson's saying,
“If you want to dramatically increase your response, dramatically improve your offer.” – Axel Andersson
(Axel Andersson is a direct response marketer who's been cited often by Denny Hatch, and who provided 6 out of the 7 "Emotional Hot Buttons" Denny Hatch has written about...)
So - I think you're right!
Copy is overrated...
Yet is still important!
Best wishes,