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July 22, 2022, 09:42 AM

So VEGAS is getting revved up, like Meatloaf, and ready to go.

Training camp for the NFL. Will your star running back show up 40 pounds over his playing weight?

Will your multi million dollar quarterback stay healthy and break a finger on his throwing hand? All eyes on the next few weeks, to size up the teams, and for the bookies, to start getting their ducks in a row.

And when I say ducks, I mean sitting ducks, sittiting in the pond waiting for bread crumbs tossed their way, and being picked off by the millions.

Training camp is when the Fantasy League players are looking over their teams, seeing who might have a break out year, who is going to tank.

As I continue to deep dive into this multi BILLION dollar industry, I am keenly aware of what types of INFORMATION these sports gamblers want.

Everyday, I write maybe 5 to 10 new ideas. I like to throw a lot of stuff at the wall, to see what sticks.

I sometimes get ideas, and then after a few days, when I put the old slop and mess meter up to it, I see it is a much bigger bite than I can chew.

With a market so huge, and growing like wildfire, it is easy to get overly excited, I have to watch myself...and put a governor on some of the ideas.

I too, have to remind myself, to KEEP IT SIMPLE.

No slop and mess. Easily executed, and most of all PROFITABLE.

My only stress is the waking up one day and finding out that NO ONE needs any new information...like the good ol boys in AMERICAN PIE, who drove their Chevy to the Levy...that will be the day that I die.

Until then, INFORMATION, my dear old friend, and the market of Sports.

A match made in Vegas.


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