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BIG Money Ideas are ALL Around! [Archive] - Page 16 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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September 23, 2006, 12:08 AM
The thought that real estate agents ONLY care about selling the house is bull. I've sold houses. RE Agents care about relationships. With clients, potential clients, plumbers, home inspectors, appraisers, electricians, builders, landscapers, need I go on? If you get hooked up with the right people (people who could be potential advertisers on your flyer) "selling" real estate can be much easier. If you think selling real estate is just selling a piece of property then your wrong.

A REAL deal right now: A house in Charleston SC selling for $800,000 (btw about average for high end Charleston). I picked up a flyer for this house. On the front was all of the normal stuff except one highlighted line at the bottom of the flyer: "You Can Afford This HOUSE! Details on back".

Well you flip the flyer over and see a schedule for an "interest only" loan. With the mortgage company's info on it. And you say to yourself "HEY I CAN AFFORD THIS HOUSE". With the way Charleston RE is appreciating, you can afford the house.

SOOO.... if you utilize certain aspects of flyer production, you and your advertisers can benefit. Win-Win....

I suspect you wrote what you did because of who started this thread. Hold that grudge, it will wear your hand out.


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