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My 17 Year Old Daughter's Car Broke Down [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 22, 2007, 12:59 PM
Why? Whats the purpose?

It maybe that you just tried a tactic some marketers use - give any Reason to discount a product and sell it. But the reason was just not good enough.

There were some instant red flags raised that made your reason not powerful enough.

Giving a discount on your product to help your daughter out:

1. de-values your product (especially when just recently you asked for $50 to just review it) (also what about people who paid you $200 to buy the course?)

2. doesn't teach your daughter anything at all (because it is your product and you are doing all the work)

3. You can yourself give the money to your daughter - why ask 30 people to pay $20?

These are all the objections that came to my mind.


Ok I think your post was a tactic. But I'm not 100% sure now that I read your post again. (The objections did come to my mind - whether it was a tactic or not...)

Is it a tactic or a real plea for help?

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