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College entrepreneur looking for something new. Plz read. [Archive] - Page 6 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 18, 2010, 01:08 AM
Yup....the BIG boys are in this one. However, from my years of experience there is ALWAYS ROOM for people who want to operate in "small towns".

For ex: Here's 2 guys who own a Book Store in a college town. They started up a Text coupon dealee last year and have 58 advertisers and over 11,000 subscribers (probably mostlu college kids)
http://www.textbux.com I don't think they're charging enough for their program though. Heck, this thing should be worth at least $50 a week to ANY business. Just MO.

Now....here's 2 operations that offer "SMS Text Service".


The last one is by "Brandel" who've been in the Biz-Op thingee for years. They run full page ads in the Opportunity Mags and get many people paying their monthly fees. Could be a good place to start.

I've found 2 sms services that are free, as of now.

Thus....if you could get this going in a college town, you could practically name your own price. Just 1,000 college kids as subscribers could command a BIG weekly or monthly fee.

Get on this one quick. Consumers are looking for the best deals and biz owners are looking for customers.

Don Alm

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