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College entrepreneur looking for something new. Plz read. [Archive] - Page 8 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 18, 2010, 02:40 AM
Thank you for all the responses! I appreciate the help!:) Anyways, a few questions:

How much is a good price to charge a week for this service. $50 seems a bit steep for a new business, especially one run by college kids.

How do I go about getting phone numbers from students (subscription)? Maybe set a booth up on campus? Flyers? Signs? I think a website is simply not enough. I guess anything would really work.

I really think I could get a good business in my city if I really plan and go about this the right way the first time, to get some credibility.

Also, how do those text messaging services work? Are they simple to work with?

Thanks for the help guys.

I have a few ideas on our business name and website address.

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