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For Losers Only: A Solution To Your #1 "Catch-22" [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 21, 2012, 04:13 AM
I'm not sure if this fits into the discussion (exactly)...

My main motivator to believe is the EVIDENCE that it is possible to succeed.

When the "crabs" who try to pull you back into the bucket try to crush your dreams for various reasons, you can always just point out the evidence of the success of others! The success of others is all around, in REAL life! So believing that success is impossible, is obviously hogwash! I mean if success is impossible, then how does one explain (away) the real-life success stories -- which are PLENTIFUL, OBVIOUS, and ALL AROUND US?

I had a not politically correct analogy in mind, but I'll just skip it.

-- TW

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