May 22, 2022, 03:30 PM
Okay you got my pulse rate up a tad. Professional background in analytics (health care) and deep experience in the occult here. Market research focused on magick, divination, ufos, radionics, etc... could be a thing?
Just never thought to combine the two in that way.
Synchronicity. I just restarted my LinkedIn profile yesterday.
Thanks for sharing.
A look at what we see, or rather what is being shown to us, on TV/Cable, like Amazon's Night Sky.
Just as Glenn combined Mind Control with flirting/dating and created products for a hungry crowd...
with your analytics background and all that wonderful occult stuff, you may have a gold mine.
From a practical, how does it help me? A win the lottery B influence people C help me understand my world better or D what can I DO with it
EMT and all things alternative medicine would be a good fit for you, the whole idea of Crystals, quartz, frequency tuners, etc., etc. is tied to better health and there are tons of anecdotal stories to support this.
Combine your statistical background with case studies of EMT or frequecny healing or whatever and which ever way you want...
And you create an AUTHORITY on a combined subject and can virtually own the market on it.
Glad you let coincidence ;) bring you back here for this good stuff.
Just never thought to combine the two in that way.
Synchronicity. I just restarted my LinkedIn profile yesterday.
Thanks for sharing.
A look at what we see, or rather what is being shown to us, on TV/Cable, like Amazon's Night Sky.
Just as Glenn combined Mind Control with flirting/dating and created products for a hungry crowd...
with your analytics background and all that wonderful occult stuff, you may have a gold mine.
From a practical, how does it help me? A win the lottery B influence people C help me understand my world better or D what can I DO with it
EMT and all things alternative medicine would be a good fit for you, the whole idea of Crystals, quartz, frequency tuners, etc., etc. is tied to better health and there are tons of anecdotal stories to support this.
Combine your statistical background with case studies of EMT or frequecny healing or whatever and which ever way you want...
And you create an AUTHORITY on a combined subject and can virtually own the market on it.
Glad you let coincidence ;) bring you back here for this good stuff.