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May 23, 2022, 12:18 AM
Thanks Gordon.

My experience has been similar. My fascination with the occult started very young maybe too young and never went away. The nudges and hints appear to me to be guidance and are continuous whether I pay attention or not. If I don't catch a nudge the intensity can ramp up over time. Incentive to pay attention.

My biggest challenge was working with energy came very easily. Learning what to do and not do with energy and why came at a price. The price paid was in my health and close relationships. The upside is I won't forget the lessons anytime soon!

The magickal goings on are a lot like a wind or ocean current or tide. Building my sailboat eventually became a priority as I could feel it was time to stop wandering about near the shoreline. Still, while we can set our sails and plot our way to our destination forces far bigger than ourselves are out there and have their own agendas. Figuring out which way they are flowing can save a lot time and energy.

Quieting the mind without shutting it down has been a key for me. These days my daily practice including discursive meditation are keys for my awareness and development.

Looking back I can say I have been in a version of the being too busy phenomena you mention. In my case I have been attempting to live two very different world views. One mundane and one magickal.

In not choosing a perspective or choosing both I divide my will and thus my capacity or potential for action. If I choose the mundane perspective to live from I am at odds with the essential nature of my path. A path I have been conscious of since about the age of 9 so it isn't going anywhere. In choosing the mystical/magickal world view though the fear monster looms large.

Eventually I figured out that pretty much every life choice I made due to fear turned out pretty poorly. So in all areas of my life, including money and business, I now choose the magickal or occult world view. The shift has worked out very well for me in some areas of life. We will see how it works out in the money and business arenas.

Yes, with what I can see so far Hogwarts has nothing on what is really going on around us!

-- Eric

Thanks Eric,

My experiences: surrounded by magickal, mystical ongoing, continuous events, however, not very aware of them UNTIL I tune in.

For me, it has to do with AWARENESS, and not forgetting...sometimes I have had to remind myself to stop, look, listen, and be quiet.

There are so many daily "hints", nudges, suggestions from the Universe and too much of the time, I'm too preoccupied to notice. But when I do and wake up, it is like...YIKES, I've got to stay tuned in...although I never really do.

It is sort of like the old saying about money, most people are too busy earning a living they don't have time to make any money...and for magick,

I think most of us are too busy we don't tune into the world around us, cause when we do...well, all the Wizards of Hogwarts couldn't match what is going on around us, can they?


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