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May 22, 2022, 07:22 PM
Whoa. Was not aware of Night Sky. On the binge list.

Some of those alt health machines are impressively expensive. Also, I haven't been to Etsy in a very long time. Looks like the occult market is doing just fine and then some. I'll definitely check out the market research side.

A friend was just telling me about Germans immediately after WWII paying soothsayers for info on where to find their husbands and sons who had not yet returned from the war. They didn't have much money but were willing to pay.

Okay, like with unblocking my writing recently I am going to need to really shift my thinking to recognize hungry crowds and what I can create for them.

With this nugget of gold guiding the way:
"From a practical, how does it help me? A win the lottery B influence people C help me understand my world better or D what can I DO with it"

Simple yet easy to lose sight of at times.


A look at what we see, or rather what is being shown to us, on TV/Cable, like Amazon's Night Sky.

Just as Glenn combined Mind Control with flirting/dating and created products for a hungry crowd...

with your analytics background and all that wonderful occult stuff, you may have a gold mine.

From a practical, how does it help me? A win the lottery B influence people C help me understand my world better or D what can I DO with it

EMT and all things alternative medicine would be a good fit for you, the whole idea of Crystals, quartz, frequency tuners, etc., etc. is tied to better health and there are tons of anecdotal stories to support this.

Combine your statistical background with case studies of EMT or frequecny healing or whatever and which ever way you want...

And you create an AUTHORITY on a combined subject and can virtually own the market on it.

Glad you let coincidence ;) bring you back here for this good stuff.


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