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Do they see you as a huckster? aka: Be careful what you glorify... [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Sandi Bowman
August 30, 2008, 10:15 AM
Not quite, Bozo. There's a happy medium ground called 'enlightened self-interest' in which one conducts business but does it with an eye to not harming others in the process.

An example might be that, if you know (or strongly suspect) that someone can't really afford a software (or has something already that will do the job) and you try to convince them that they can't live without your version, you are then doing them a DISservice and putting your wants ahead of their needs. An enlightened self-interest would say that 'this is something I think you'd be happy with but you can get along with what you already have until later'. The hope being that they'll appreciate your concern and, when the time is right for them, seek out you and your product.

Sandi Bowman

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