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How about $15,000 A MONTH for NO "Work"! [Archive] - Page 12 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
May 26, 2015, 10:32 PM
why wouldnt the pizza shop owner do his own list now a days? happpy to hear it is working for your girls tho !
Hi Bob,

I gotta agree with Don...

First, in my neck of the woods, I go to pizza places every now and then, and I've never seen anyone do this! They don't have any kind of email list at all (even without the QR codes)...

So, the answer in my area is, they are just not doing it at all!

Now, why don't they do it?

I think there are many answers...

They know how to do it, but not enough time
Don't know how, and don't have time to learn how
Afraid of computers

It doesn't actually matter so much why they don't do it... What matters is they're not doing it, yet they could be doing much better financially if they did do it... That's why there's an opportunity for you to jump in and make some moolah...

For the pizza place owner, which is the better option? (1) They do nothing (same as they're doing now), or (2) they have someone like Don do it for them, and make extra profits?

I think the answer is clear!

Best wishes,


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