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How about $15,000 A MONTH for NO "Work"! [Archive] - Page 16 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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May 27, 2015, 11:39 AM
Howdy guys, been away as real busy, but back for a bit to soak up Don's nuggets...

I think with bob mcalister it's all to do with his psychology in regards to his post AND it's simply this: hes a MARKETER & biz owner ...so does ALL his own marketing!

This will work, however ya gonna get rejections, and SOME biz owners YES...DO it themselves!

Here's a quick story from my experience dealing with these 'cheap charlie pea brain owners'

Last year I did the 9x12 postcard, 1st the BEST bit...its Easier to get the biz owners on board who do BIG value transactions.

NOW, the pain in the a** restaurant owners etc, etc ., most of these 'cheap charlie pea brain owners' will screw you down to the last penny, one dude who i was going to give a great deal cos the card was nearly complete, told me...

GREAT idea, however...he does it himself, has a Friend in the printing game AND also knows people who work at the post office who can deliver his flyer's for half my price, DUH...!!

NOT only that ...I got this SAME response from another pizza place AND the guy had just spent $110,000 on his pizza pa la re-fit!!

Anyway, great posts Don, keep em commin...

ALL the BEST to the doers here;)


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