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How about $15,000 A MONTH for NO "Work"! [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Don Alm
May 15, 2015, 12:41 AM
The Time is now 8:05 pm...Weds, May 14, 2015 and.....one of my "students" in Medford, Oregon just phoned and reported she CLOSED her sixth (6) Pizza Bix for $500 a Month and told me; " Hey Don!.....Three Grand a MONTH! I OWE You!

Wow..... sure makes ME feel GOOD!

All she did was.... walk into the lobby of a pizza biz ...... ask for the owner......whipped out the Poster and told him THIS will get you MORE bizness because YOU....will be on the Phones of ALL your customers!

He asks, "How Much?" and she responds with "$500 set up an $500 a month!" WHEN do you want to start?"

Don Alm

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