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How about $15,000 A MONTH for NO "Work"! [Archive] - Page 6 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Don Alm
May 15, 2015, 05:18 PM
Hi Trevor......I already have "written a book" on my "Entroopeneerial Adventures"....it's at "www.MidasReports.com" BUT......I'm no longer selling it....however....you could click on over and see some of the projects I've started over my looong Entroopeneerial career.

Although.....my 2 grandaughters are getting near "College-Age" and......the "cheapest" one Janey found (a college my son, her dad, went to in Indiana) is THIRTY GRAND A YEAR! 30,000 A YEAR to go to a small College in Indiana!

You kiddin' me! However.....her dad (my son) and I think her grades are good enough to get some sort of "scholarship" reduction.

Anyways.....my son (her dad) works for ESPN SPORTS as a Sales Guy selling Ads for Sports Events on ESPN and.....makes a handsome amount.

And.....as a side note.....whenever you see a photo of the downtown of any of our BIG cities....with the SkyScrapers.....take a close look at the Windows!

The people in the offices that have a Window....are making Pretty Good Bux and.....the people in the CORNER offices ....are making SUPER BUX!

My son has has one of the "regular" windows on the 42nd floor of the John Hancock Center overlooking Lake Michigan....FACING the Lake. He's been there 15 yrs and.....hopefully THIS year (2015) he's gonna get one of the Corner Windows.....so that "Education Costs" for my 2 grand daughters will be "No Problemo"!

Don Alm

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